
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's Official

Well it's official. Our girl, since Monday is full fledged walking. It is so crazy how much differance a week can make. Monday when I picked her up from daycare she walked out to the car. It hit me then. No turning back now. It's what I wished for, and now it's here. And with it comes more independence. Miss Independant. Yep that's her name. Let me do it myself.
It's also offical that she likes to bite, and does so when she gets mad. I get on her right away and then we move on.
We had a wonderful weekend filled with being outside, swimming, playing in the sand and helping daddy. Daddy poured cement on the boulevard, but before we could do our hand prints it dried. There will be more to pour later. We tried out a wonderful birthday present from Kristin, Brian and Taylor. I blew up the water firetruck, and she had a ball with it. Thanks guys. It provided hours of fun. The weekends go by much too fast, and I want to enjoy every minute, because soon it will be fall.
It seems there is a new baby at Daycare (6 weeks old) and Karady does not care for it. Today was the first day, and she knew it. The baby went outside in the stroller and she had a fit because that is her stroller. It could be interesting. Poor JoAnn.
I noticed last week LULU is getting her right premolar in. She has really been chewing and kind of cranky at times. She also insists on drinking out of everyones bottle of whatever they are drinking. She gets a kick out of it.

Well getting late.


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