
Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Today was are laying Katie to eternal rest at 1:30 pm. I took the cowards way out, and had my in-laws take her to the vet. THanks so much, that means so much to me. Katie has gone into a downward spiral lately. She has been having accidents all over the house, so I fashioned doggy diapers for her, from baby diapers, and took her to the vet. Dr. M. put her on antibiotics, but after two weeks, she hasn't gotten any better. We also learned she has a heart murmur. She has gotten to where she won't eat her hard dog food, or take her treats. So I bought her canned food. She eats so little, and she it wasting away. She makes no effort to even go to the door to go outside, and she just sleeps all day. She is just existing. She has been throwing up quite often also. Since we are leaving for vacation on Friday, we feel it is time. I don't want my mom to have to deal with a dying dog. I keep asking Nolan if we are doing the right thing. He assures me we are. She is 13 1/2, which is 91 in human years. She had a good life, but it is still extremly hard. I cry a lot. Nolan built her a nice pine box, and I lined it with one of Karady's small ducky bath towels. She will be buried this evening with a pigs ear and a picture of her family. We plan to put her in the backyard in front of the windmill.

On a lighter note, we have been very busy since I last posted. Karady, Muriel and Norris made a sudden trip to Richardton a few weeks ago to help my mom and dad put up a shed. Karady got to play with Dylan, and they had a great time. We also attended a wedding this past weekend for a girl Muriel babysat for. Karady only made it 20 minutes in church, before we went out. She was gearing up to dance all night I guess. SHe danced from 6:00 during supper, until after 11:00. She was so cute. If I had a buck for everytime someone took her picture, I would be rich. The next day there was music at the Nursing Home picnic we attended with Grandma Dorothy. When the music started, she looked at me and immediately wanted to get down. Then like a moth to a flame, she drifted to the front and danced for everyone. You know what they say "Dance like there's no one watching". And she does. I hope she always loves to dance.

I think that was figured out that "MiMi", is Karady's evil twin. If you ask if she did something naughty, she says, no Mimi did it. Mimi sure is busy. She is really putting more and more words together. She loves her books, and she sits and reads them for hours. I have been teaching her to pray. We pray for people. She folds her little hands and names off everyone she can think of. When we were praying at the wedding, I told her to fold her hands, and then she started to say names. I laughed. She doesn't forget a thing.

A group of us took the tuna boat over the casino two weeks ago for the Seafood Spectacular. Nolan's Aunt and Uncle from Columbus came and spent the weekend with us. NOlan learned he can no longer eat crab though, because of the butter, I think. It was very good. None of us won much money, but I came back a few pounds heavier. We are shooting for the September cruise also. It is a nice time to get away.

Well that's all for now. We will spend August 6th to the 15th in SD for the Ralley. I am taking Karady and Pacey to Richardton Thursday evening. We will miss her. She will have fun though. Type to you when we get back!!



1 comment:

  1. so sorry to hear about Katie. pacey will be lost without her.
    I didn't realize she was getting so bad lately.
    hang in there!
    have fun in the hills. Haven't seen you guys for awhile, don't be a stranger.




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